PayPal Sign Up - Error Code 10002 -


There can be 2 causes:

  1. Wrong credentials: Make sure that you've put your API Username, API Password and API Signature correctly. Sometimes it happens that during copy and paste there is accidentally a space added, this would trigger this error.
  2. Wrong Endpoint: This error would come up if you send the data to the wrong endpoint. Make sure that you are using the live credentials and are not in test mode within your PayPal account.


  1. Please try updating the credentials by following the attached PDF. Sometimes when copying and pasting the computer does not always copy correctly. Please try selecting copy several times.
    1. I would recommend to try pasting into a Word Document before pasting into the web browser to make sure the correct item was copied and to make sure that the computer did not accidentally also pick up an additional space.
  2. If you are still getting the error after attempting to update the credentials please try reaching out to PayPal Technical Support, 1-888-221-1161. Please make sure to request Technical Support as they should be better equipped to assist then customer support.